This first step in getting what you want, is to ask for it.
This may be a perfect time to actually know what you really, really want out of life.
Do you want money? Travel to somewhere? Have the perfect mate? Have perfect health?
The first step is requesting for it. The first step is asking for it.
Make a willful request to the universe (or term it as your faith dictates) and the universe will align itself to make it happen for you.
A few pointers though:
1. Make sure you are very specific in your request. This you shall need to focus and visualize on what you want. The lack of focus can give you mixed results.
2. Ask for what you want. Ask it in a positive light. For example, if you want to get out of debt, don't ask to get out of debt." By the Law of Attraction, you will attract more debt that way because it does not distinguish between good or bad, just on what you are thinking. So instead of requesting to get out of debt, just focus and request for more revenue. That solves your debt problem.
3. You should have good feelings about your request. That way, you know that what you requested is good for you. Be excited about making requests. If not, you really did not want what you asked for and you'll attract what you did not really want.
4. Ask once. Sure, you can remind yourself of what you asked for sometimes but only to elicit good feelings from it. Asking more than once shows that you have doubt and you'll not get it.
Yesterday, I was talking to someone and she said this time honored slogan, "You can't have it all."
Now I know that's not true. You can have it all.
You can have the proverbial cake and eat it too.
You don't think that this way of thinking is consistent with your religious beliefs? Think again.
How about these words:
Sounds familiar. Those were the words of none other than Jesus. (Luke 11:9-10)
So ask away. It is your birthright. And the universe will make it happen for you.
This may be a perfect time to actually know what you really, really want out of life.
Do you want money? Travel to somewhere? Have the perfect mate? Have perfect health?
The first step is requesting for it. The first step is asking for it.
Make a willful request to the universe (or term it as your faith dictates) and the universe will align itself to make it happen for you.
A few pointers though:
1. Make sure you are very specific in your request. This you shall need to focus and visualize on what you want. The lack of focus can give you mixed results.
2. Ask for what you want. Ask it in a positive light. For example, if you want to get out of debt, don't ask to get out of debt." By the Law of Attraction, you will attract more debt that way because it does not distinguish between good or bad, just on what you are thinking. So instead of requesting to get out of debt, just focus and request for more revenue. That solves your debt problem.
3. You should have good feelings about your request. That way, you know that what you requested is good for you. Be excited about making requests. If not, you really did not want what you asked for and you'll attract what you did not really want.
4. Ask once. Sure, you can remind yourself of what you asked for sometimes but only to elicit good feelings from it. Asking more than once shows that you have doubt and you'll not get it.
Yesterday, I was talking to someone and she said this time honored slogan, "You can't have it all."
Now I know that's not true. You can have it all.
You can have the proverbial cake and eat it too.
You don't think that this way of thinking is consistent with your religious beliefs? Think again.
How about these words:
"And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."
Sounds familiar. Those were the words of none other than Jesus. (Luke 11:9-10)
So ask away. It is your birthright. And the universe will make it happen for you.